• 15 Ways to Maintain Peace of Mind as You Age

    15 Ways to Maintain Peace of Mind as You Age

Maintaining your peace of mind as you age is important to keep both your body and spirit young. However, that is easier said than done. Fortunately, there are many different strategies to achieve peace of mind.

Maintaining Peace of Mind

What is Peace of Mind

Peace of mind is the feeling of being safe and protected which often results in feelings of confidence and tranquility. It creates a sense of reassurance that you can manage your problems when and if they arise. It is an aspect of mental control where the effects of external pressures are reduced.

How to Get Peace of Mind

There are a few different methods for achieving peace of mind. Some may work for some people better than others, but a combination of the below-listed strategies should be helpful on your journey to attaining it.

Think Positive

Most of us think about the challenges we face in our lives, but the way you as an individual approach your thought patterns could make a big difference in your outlook on the world. Thinking positively can change your perspective about the challenges you face and alter your ability to react to them. 

Let Things Go

It’s hard to have peace of mind when you are holding onto the past. Sometimes, things just don’t go your way but dwelling on them can cause a lot of mental anguish. Finding inner peace isn’t a passive activity, it requires effort. Accepting what has happened and deciding not to dwell on the negative outcome can help you better prepare for what needs to come next. Often, ruminating on past problems can cause you to be blind to a coming issue. 

Focus on the Present

Similarly, focusing on the present and staying mindful can help you problem-solve for the present. It’s hard to concentrate on how to make a current situation better if your mind is stuck in the past. Peace of mind is often found when you get out of your head and experience the present world as it is, rather than what you fear it may be.


Reading for at least 20 minutes is a great way to find inner peace. It is often relaxing and gets your mind off your current challenges. Sometimes, it helps to make reading part of your daily routine. Not sure what to read? Check out 12 Influential Books That Will Make You Happy to Stay Inside.

Spend Time Alone

Finding time for yourself can be difficult to manage as you age. Whether you are helping out with the grandkids or taking care of your spouse, getting alone time can be an uphill battle. But it’s vital to your mental well-being to make time for yourself to enjoy the things you like to do on your own. Be sure to give yourself the time necessary to focus on yourself, even if it’s only for a few minutes a day.

Adjust Your Expectations

Expecting one thing and getting another is often grounds for frustration and anxiety. Learning to adjust your expectations as things change can reduce the negative emotions that come with disappointment or anxiety. Learn to go with the flow and your mental wellness will thank you for it.


What list about mental wellness would be complete without an entry about exercise? Yes, we all know that exercise is good for us in many ways, but it greatly helps you feel relaxed and calm. Even something as simple as a breathing exercise can get you in the right mental place to face the day.

Give Yourself Time

Keep in mind that inner peace is not a sprint but a marathon. Healing from your emotional turmoil is a complex process that won’t happen overnight. But making small steps towards the goal of peace now will make it easier to attain in the future.

Do a Daily Act of Kindness

Doing an act of kindness for another person is a great way to find peace of mind. It makes you feel connected to people and fosters a sense of community and care. Something as simple as giving someone a compliment or taking the time to help them with a problem can give you a sense of calm because it releases oxytocin. Try calling someone with the sole purpose of listening or writing a letter to someone you care about. Odds are, you will feel good after you do. 

Get Your Z’s

Getting enough sleep can be a challenge, however, it’s easier to feel less stressed when you are well-rested. People who only sleep a few hours a night are more likely to have anxiety, depression, and racing thoughts. That is the antithesis of what you want. When you sleep a full eight hours each night, your brain is more likely to function properly and reduce stress hormones. 

Talk to Someone You Trust

We are social creatures and therefore have a need to be around other people. If you are struggling mentally, try talking to someone you trust about how you feel. This can create stronger bonds between people while also helping to alleviate some of your stress.

Listen to Music

The hills might be alive with the sound of music and you can be too when you use your favorite melody to stimulate your brain. Songs can trigger feelings of calm and euphoria, especially classical compositions. Even something as simple as ambient sounds like running water or birds chirping can have a marked effect on mood. 

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

If you want to achieve peace of mind then stop comparing your situation to the situations of other people. No two people are alike and as good as things may seem for another person, you have no way of knowing what they might be struggling with. Additionally, comparing yourself to others can create feelings of insecurity and doubt. It is much more productive to strive to be a better person than you were yesterday than to strive to be someone else. 

Practice Self-Care

No matter how bleak things might seem, try to remember to love yourself and treat yourself with fairness and care. When you do this, the challenges you face seem more manageable because you are already managing to take care of yourself. 

Know That There Will Be Rainy Days

You can’t prepare for everything, but know that life will always throw you curveballs. However, rather than fretting about when these days might happen, it is best to plan. If you are worried about your spouse getting sick, make a plan for when they are. If you are worried about finances, make a plan for how you will budget expenses. Again, peace of mind is an active pursuit, not a passive experience. 

Looking for even more peace of mind as you age? Confident Living is here to help you prepare for sunny days and rain with our Care Coordination team. Speak with a representative today to learn how you can achieve peace of mind.

Don’t let the future catch you off guard and start planning today with this FREE eBook, Plan the Future for You and Your Spouse’s Long-Term Care.

Confident Living is a continuing care at home membership program, focused on helping you remain active and independent as you age in your own home. We serve the greater Cincinnati area. For more information, contact us online or call (513) 719-3522.